Programme Management is designed to facilitate the overall coordination and day to day management of the Programme. Programme Steering Committee (PSC) is responsible for oversight of the Programme and providing policy guidance to Programme implementation. Programme Coordinating Unit (PCU) is responsible for day-to-day management of the programme, supported by the partner’s desk officers. The Programme PCU is responsible for overall coordination and management of KCEP CRAL implementation, including:

  • Financial and administrative management of programme resources in line with the grant agreement;
  • Planning of Programme activities and preparation of Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB);
  • Procurement and contracting of Programme-related services and supplies, and monitoring of contracts;
  • Coordination of programme partners;
  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and knowledge management (KM);
  • Preparation of progress reports. A County Programme Coordinating Committee (CPCC) will provide guidance to Programme implementation within each county.