Our Background

About Us >Our Background
Programme Rationale

Kenya is a food-deficit country, importing up to 20% of its annual cereal requirements. Improvement in production of the main cereal commodities – maize, sorghum, and millet; and associated pulses is constrained by limited adoption of improved crop technologies and practices such as improved seed varieties, adequate fertilizer use, soil and water management, good agricultural practices including conservation agriculture, access to timely agro-climatic information, processing and storage.

Programme Approach

The KCEP-CRAL is an expansion to the ASALs of the Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme (KCEP) which became effective in April 2014 through a partnership between the Government of Kenya (GoK), the European Union (EU), and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The overall development objectives of the KCEP are to contribute to national food security and smallholder income generation by supporting farmers to increase the productivity and profitability of key cereal commodities – maize, sorghum, and millet, and associated pulses.KCEP support is focused on farmers in medium- and high-potential production areas of the country. In line with the Government’s priorities, KCEP-CRAL will expand this support to smallholder farmers in the ASALs.
